Manage Users
Reset Password

Reset a password

If you've forgotten your password or are having trouble logging into your account, follow these simple steps to reset your password and regain access:

Visit the Login page.

Navigate to the login page at (opens in a new tab).

Enter your email address.

Enter your email address in the "email" textbox on the login page.

Click on "Forgot Password".

Look for the "Forgot Password" link/button on the login page (underneath the password box) and click on it. This will take you to a password reset page confirming an email has been sent.

Check email.

Check the email that you used to sign up to AERL Cloud and locate a the password reset email. Please note that it may take up to a minute to recieve this email.

Click the reset link.

The email contains a password reset link. Clicking this link should take you to the password reset page.

Enter a new password.

On the password reset page, please enter a new password. This password must be distinct from the previous one and contain at least 8 characters. Once you have done this, click the submit button.

Login with your new password.

You should now be able to login with your new password.

If you encounter any difficulties or require further assistance, reach out to our support team for additional help.